QuestionHi Roland,
I have a 2000 Chrysler LHS with ATC Code 24.
I was able to diagnose the ATC code 24 with this page:
Code 24 means (mode door actuator door feedback failure)I think. I have looked for the answer on other sites, but have not found how to fix/replace this yet. would you please give some guidance on this.
Thank you for taking the time
AnswerHi Jeremy,
The mode door actuator is on the driver's side of the unit, on the the bottom and rearward of the other actuator which is for the blend door.
Disconnect the battery
Remove the left and right under panel ducts from the lower edge of the dash
Remove the floor console
Remove center floor heat adapter duct
Remove rear seat heat forward adapter duct
Loosen center support bracket and pru rearward to gain access to the actuator.
Remove actuator retaining screws. Pull straight down. Upon removal note the position of the actuator because it is keyed to the door. See if the door moves freely. If so, then the actuator is likely the issue.
The wire colors are: dark green/yellow, pink/dark blue, yellow/white, dark blue/gray, and brown/white for purposes of ID as compared to the nearby blend door actuator.
PS Please 'rate' my answer. Thanks