QuestionI have an 03 Concorde LXI with about 130K miles. Recently I
noticed that the car, when driven over 40MPH will go into
limp in mode as it slows down to 20MPH. If I turn the car
off and back on it drives normally under 40MPH but if I get
it over 40mph then slow to 20mph it will again go into limp
mode. The service center that I took the car to said that
the P0700 indicated an electrical issue and would need to
locate and repair that issue before addressing the other
codes. Can you give some insight to the possible fixes for
these codes or if it indicates a rebuild is necessary?
AnswerHi Rebecca,
I would disagree with the interpretation of the 0700 code, particularly because you have the other transmission related codes. In this setting it is just a confirmatory code saying that you have some transmission codes that need attention.
In the order of significance (least to most):
1790 a fault was detected right after a shift
1776 the solenoid switch valve for Low/Reverse is latched in one position
0841 Low/Reverse switch circuit has a problem (electrical)
0871 Overdrive switch circuit has a problem (electrical)
0731 The 1st gear ratio (input/output) is incorrect
The last one could be due to a problem with the input or output speed sensor or its circuit but more likely is related to the low part of the LR solenoid issure.
The controller itself may be the problem or part of the problem but I would not get into that unless all else proved fruitless.
One of the possible fixes is to replace the solenoid/pressure switch assembly, which is not anywhere near as drastic as a rebuild. But it would be good to check out the possible electrical circuit faults first which if found and repaired might eliminate both the solenoid issues and the control module replacement possibility.
So I would do some shopping around/questioning of friends to see if you can get a recommendation on a transmission shop that is independent (not a franchise) and has a lot of experience with the Chrysler transmission and then take it to that shop and ask them to initiate a set of diagnoses that make sense to sort out exactly what needs to be done in the most logical and economical way. Clearly checking the switch circuits should be tested first.
I would be very reluctant to accept a recommendation of a rebuild without getting either a very logical explanation or a second opinion that agrees. The switch/solenoid assembly replacement would probably be done if you had to do a rebuild, so doing that first is a reasonable strategy before doing a rebuild.
PS Please 'rate' my answer. Thanks