QuestionThe climate control module on my dash of my 2003 town and
country mini-van is failing. Sometimes the fan goes on and
off and sometimes the power goes on and off along with the
air conditioner and the in-cabin air re-circulation button.
Sometimes there is no heat and no defogger for the
windshield. Does this sound like a Body Control Module
AnswerHi Scott,
I would not assume the problem is the bcm itself.
I wonder whether you might rather either have an intermittent fuse that supplies current to the bcm or an intermittent connection from the bcm power source to the HVAC control unit. I would suggest that you first closely examine fuses 14, 19, 20, 23, 24 looking for the possibility that one of those has a subtle crack in the internal wire which is opening the circuit as it heats up and then when it cools closes the circuit once again. Another possibility is that the current from the bcm to the ac/heater control is being intermittently interrupted by a loose connection (F504 wire, gray/black). Also there could be a flakey section of the ignition switch which is intermittently cutting off the current to the bcm (F20 wire, pink/white). What you are describing has the charcteristics of one of the above possibilities.
So check into the fuses that I listed. then if you don't find anything wrong let me know if you have a volt-ohm meter to do some checking when the problem is occuring so that the switch/connection issues can be checked out. Please let me know if you have the conventional of automatic temperature control unit for the HVAX system.
Don't try to correct the problem by random throwing of parts.
Please 'rate' my answer. Thanks