Chrysler Repair: 99 Cirrus: no start/no codes, pulley bolt, crank pulley

QUESTION: hi i have a 1999 chrysler cirrus 2.5l first it was not getting fuel replaced fuel pump and still would not start. then i checked spark and found there was no spark. no codes on scanner.any suggestion thanks

ANSWER: Let me check the wiring diagrams and get right back with an answer.

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QUESTION: hi this is joe on 99 cirrus any answer yet

When you turn the key to the run position do you hear the fuel pump run for about a second? That is normal, otherwise not so.
If not then check fuse 5 in the box under the hood. Also check fuses 8, 9, 10 in that same box. Look carefully to be sure that none have a subtle crack in its internal wire or test continuity/voltage on both sides of the fuses. 5 and 8 should show voltage even if the ignition is off, 9 and 10 only with the key in the run position. No codes leads me to wonder if the powertrain controller may not be getting power from fuse 5 or 10. Does the code reader say anything?
PS Terribly sorry about the slipped past me yesterday.

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QUESTION: high roland all fuses checked out good. i do have fuel pressure now . i also checked voltage at single wire at dist. got 12v w\key on for 1 sec and while cranking .scanner seems to be communicating with com ok .

Hi Joe,
OK, then the power is there, but why no spark? Ideally there would be a code. First things to check would be the pulsing of the engine rotational sensors.
The cam sensor in the distributor has two wires for its signal:
the ground (black/light blue) on pin 43 of the pcm, and the signal (tan/yellow) on pin 33. If you crank the engine over by hand via the crank pulley bolt and having the ignition in the run position, then you should see the voltage between those two wires oscillate between 5 and 0.3V several times per revolution.
The crank sensor mounted at the flex plate of the engine on the rear side just above the transaxle housing shares the same ground wire, its signal wire is gray/black on pin 32 of the pcm. It should show the same oscillating voltage signal, although at a different pulse rate when compared to the ground on 43.
You can access all the wires using fine pins to penetrate the insulation and then attach leads to the pins.
If either of those signals is missing/off-value then that would likely explain the no spark.
Also, have you checked for spark at the coil tower proper (by removing the distributor cap), and also check the rotor for continuity (although with some resistance, just not infinite)?
PS Thanks for the previous ratings.