Chrysler Repair: 1991 LeBaron, cheyenne trail, timing belt replacement
QuestionQUESTION: Hi Roland,
You offered to send me instructions on the timing belt replacement procedure. I went on and couldn't get anywhere.If you would mail me the info that would be great!! My address is :
551 Cheyenne Trail
Carol Stream ILL. 60188
Thanks again, Bruce
ANSWER: is in the mailbox. Thanks for the nominations.
Also here is a reference:
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi Roland ,
While waiting for your info by mail I tried to find a chiltons manuel at the auto parts store. They did not have one specific to my vehicle. So I asked the guy for a price on a timing chain and he said that year and size engine was not equiped with a timing chain? I took off the covers on the front pulleys and the belt is ok. but when I crank the engine it does not turn nor does the distributor?
Thanks Bruce.
AnswerAre you sure that the crank sprocket is or is not turning? That bottom sprocket is what moves the timing belt. There is no chain, rather only the belt that you see. Perhaps the belt is stretched or the tensioner is not tensioning the belt any longer so it slips on the crank sprocket rather than moving the belt. You will have to examine why this is the case.