QuestionFirst I would like to say you helped me in 2008 on a tricky problem “won’t start” problem that you diagnosed correctly as a faulty MAF sensor - Thank You!
I have a new problem with my 1994 Dodge Grand Caravan ES with a 3.8L engine with 142,000 miles. I smell an antifreeze leak in the passenger compartment only when the heat is turned on and the blower running, this typically means a heater core leak. I put a pressure tester on the cooling system and can not find a leak anywhere ( used a flashlight and looked for drips, leaking hoses, drips on concrete, none anywhere). Pressure holds at 16 psi for 30 minutes, no movement on one day, however on another day it will slowly drift down to about 12psi and hold steady, I still cannot see a leak. There is no antifreeze leak on the floor in the passenger area. If I do not turn the heat on I do not smell the antifreeze. I have read online that a tiny leak in the heater core can cause a large smell in the passenger compartment due to the blower moving the smell. I would like to replace the heater core but as I read the Chrysler Service manual and Haynes manual they both say to discharge the ac Freon and “detach the H valve” and “refrigerant lines to the front of the vehicle”, this is a lot of work. Can the heater core be removed without disconnecting the ac lines?
I have read some people have taken 6-8 hours to do this, which is a lot of work. So my next question is what do you think of the radiator stop leak ? I was looking at : “ Bar's/11 oz. heavy duty pelletized radiator stop leak” , there web site FAQ ( says :
Will Bar’s Leaks plug my heater core?
No, the tiny particles will pass through a 24-gauge mesh screen which is the spec for the BIG 3 car/truck manufacturers. They say that any product installed in the cooling system must pass through this screen. Bar’s Leaks is the only stop leak to pass this test and to be approved by the vehicle manufacturers.
Is a radiator stop leak a temporary fix, or could it last for years?
I also have a friend that says dump a capful of black pepper in the coolant and see if that works first. He claims that some radiator stop leaks actually contain black pepper and that is what you are getting along with some other additives. He says that black pepper does not break down in liquid or high heat and will find and seal a hole and he has used it successfully on a few vehicles. What do you think of this?
Thanks for any reply.
AnswerHi Greg,
Replacing the core is an even bigger job than you think as it involves removing enough of the instrument panel to get the entire housing out. That is about 30 steps in each direction. So given the leak is small I would definitely try the Bar's Leak. That is a reliable product and is likely to work and most likely last for years in the cabin location.