QuestionQUESTION: ok i went and tested all the wires the orange wire has 9.15v
and the tan/yellow has 4.45v black /gray 7.1v and on the
green/orange wire there is 10.6v
ANSWER: Hi Harry,
That is fairly close except I assume that these were measured just after you turned the key to the run position, and just by chance what was your - probe of the meter attached too to establish a 'ground' reading for these voltages? I wonder about the gray black reading because it is sensor ground, but no matter because what counts it the reading between it and the tan/yellow when you are rotating the engine by hand as described below.
The orange should be 8 but 9.15 is ok, the tan/yellow should be 5v compared to the gray/black as the 'ground' for that reading, and then when you rotate the crank by hand it should oscillate between 5 and 0.3v several times per rotation. Does it?
The green/orange should show 12v but it would only do that for about a second, until you start cranking it over with the starter motor because that is controlled by the autoshutdown relay which has to be seeing pulses from both of the sensors to lock closed and put the 12v on that wire.
So try these out and let me know what you see.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: ok so when i put my black meter wire on pin43 and put the red
on 32 i get 6.12v to 3.45v and i get about the same when i put
the rad wire on pin33. the green/orange stays 10.5v all the
while i'm cranking the engine
ANSWER: Hi Harry,
What sort of voltmeter is this? Digital or ? I gave values based on digital high impedence unit.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: i really don't see what kind of volt meter i'm using has to do
with it. but it a cheat harbor freight digital meter. so i
take it that you are at a lose ur self. is there any thing i
can do to get the spark back.
AnswerHi Harry,
What I am wondering is:
Why the voltage reading doesn't vary between 5 and 0.3V rather than 6.12 and 3.45, but the delta of the pulse of 3.65 is close but not the 4.7 I would expect it to be. That is one thing that is unusual to me.
However, the fact that the green/orange is holding at 10.5 is a sign that the sensors are putting out an acceptable pulse or the autoshutdown relay wouldn't allow that to be maintained. That should mean that there is also a spark coil 'driver' pulse from the pcm that is based upon the sensor output, three times per revoluation but you can't verify that without a scope because it happens too fast to resolve with a voltmeter. If we assume that you do have a driver pulse for the spark coil and because the other end of the coil is at 10.5v when cranking, then you should get sparking at your spark plugs.
Please tell me how are you checking for spark?
What about the rotor? Have you checked that for continuity?
Those are my observation/questions? I am not at loose ends yet.
PS I also am concerned about your earlier report that the gray/black (pin 32)also read 7.1v. What was your other lead of the meter connected to? Was that at pin 43? If so, try disconnecting the 6 pin plug at the distributor. And then see what pin 32 reads compared to pin 43.
That pin 43 is supposed to be 'sensor ground' which means to me it should be near 0v compared to chassis ground, just like other 'grounds' only a 'clean ground, i.e. no noise from other circuits in the system. So it should show 0v compared to chassis ground with or without the 6-pin plug removed. But if it shows something other than 0v with the plug removed it suggests that there is something wrong with the pcm grounds or the pcm itself.
I am concerned because you don't see sensor readings oscillating between around 5v and 0.3 between pin 33 and 43 and also pin 32 and 43, when you are turning by hand. and I am trying to find out why that is.
If the gray/black still reads 7.1 with the 6-pin plug disconected, then check whether the pins 10, 47, and 50 at the pcm show a short (0 ohms resistance) between the pins and chassis ground (the - post of the battery), and also show near 0 ohms when the plugs are are back in the pcm (by probing through the insulation of the wires with pins). If any of those 3 pcm grounds were not grounded that could explain the 7.1v on pin 32, and 6.12 on 33.
Thanks for the ratings and nominations, by the way.