Chrysler Repair: ENGINE REFUSES TO START: 94 3.3L, oil pressure gauge, chrysler grand voyager
Chrysler Grand Voyager
QUESTION: My 1994 3.3L v6 chrysler Grand voyager engine refused to start. I believe the problem started after I steam-washed the engine because it immediately smoked for some time then eased off. After about 7days, the fuel gauge started flickering and the engine died down without warning. I kicked it again and it picked-up after 6 attempts. This went on and off until I now got home and switched off the engine. The next day it refused to start up till now. Please help me out.
ANSWER: Hi Dika,
Try the ignition key to switch the ignition:"on-off-on-off-on and leave on" doing that in 5 seconds or less elapsed time. Then watch the check engine light, which remains 'on', to see it begin to flash, pause, flash, etc. Count the number of flashes before each pause. Then repeat the process to be sure you have an accurate set of flash counts. Then tell me counts, in order of appearance and we'll go from there. This will probably tell us what is wrong.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks Roland for your quick response. I have tried what you asked me to do but the check-engine light does not show up any more. Even the fuel gauge and oil pressure gauge does not show up when ignition is switched on. Some technicians here said it may be the Brain-box that has a fault. Please advise more. Thanks
AnswerCheck fuse 15 under the dash if none of the warning light come on at the cluster as that powers all those as well as the gauges. If the fuse is not blown, check to see if the fuse shows the presence of 12v when the ignition switch is in the 'run' position. If it doesn't show 12v then check fuse 57 in the power distribution box in the engine compartment. Let me know and we'll go from there.