Chrysler Repair: 98 Chrysler town and counrty: no start, town and counrty, fault code reader

CAR INFO-Town and Country van, 3.8L, 2 wheel dr,1998

Question- My van ran on wednesday just fine then on thurdaday it didnt, never had starting issues before, battery still holds a charge, van turns over but never starts, just keeps cranking over.

WHAT I DID SO FAR- I replace the front 3 spark plugs and changed the coil pack.


Can you help?

Hi Jason,
The on-board troubleshooting capability should be tried. Turn the ignition key:"on-off-on-off-on and leave on" doing that in 5 seconds or less elapsed time. Then watch the odometer window to see whether the mileage changes to show 4-digit number preceded by a P. Those are fault codes. Tell me what you learn and we'll go from there. If that doesn't work, then see if you can borrow a fault code reader that plugs in under the dash to a socket next to the steering column. If there is no spark, it could very well be one of two engine rotational position sensor is not working. Those are needed to cause a properly timed spark. A fault code would tell us which one is bad.