Chrysler Repair: 2002 sebring wont start, solenoid switch, neutral safety switch

QUESTION:  the lights and horn work,i replace starter relay, the clock is on ,the radio won't come on,i would to know why it won't start

ANSWER: If you mean that the starter motor won't crank the engine, and the radio won't work, I wonder if your battery might be discharged or weak. Dose the starter relay 'click' softly when a helper tries to start it? Do the lights dim when the helper tries to start it. Does the loud click from the solenoid switch on the starter motor occur when the helper tried the starter? Those would be important things for me to know. You can have horn, clock and lights, but not enough power to turn over the starter motor. How old is the battery? Can you charge it up?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION:  the relay does not click and solenoid does not click.battery cable to starter is hot. there is no fire getting to solenoid on starter.

Check fuse 8 in the power distribution box under the hood. Other than that being blown or cracked, it has to be the park/neutral safety switch or its wiring. Try moving the shift lever to one side and the other of the detent position in park and in neutral. If you write back, tell me the engine size and type of transmission.