Chrysler Repair: hvac instruments/led not working, open 10a, hvac problems

QUESTION: i've got a 1997 voyager with hvac problems. it's a manual/dial system
-rear wipers, rear wash and rear demister not working.
-fan only blowing on windscreen, unable to change to other vents
-fan only blowing warm air
-a/c and recirculation buttons not working

pretty much all leds and switches in that area not working.
only fan control works at all speeds.

ANSWER: Hi Mark,
I believe that you will find fuse 6 (20 amp) in the box under the dash to be blown. If not let me know as there is another possibility.
PS Sorry for the delay but I just found your answer in the 'pool'.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Chrysler Repair: hvac instruments/led not working, open 10a, hvac problems
burnt wiring harness  
QUESTION: thought I'd have a look behind the hvac controls.
found a guide on how to get there.
checked out the wiring harness and found a burnt out section.
unplugged and then plugged back in and all systems are working again.
i will have to find a replacement harness and hope it's not too hard to rewire!
thankyou for your assistance

ANSWER: Thanks for that news, my last answer 'crossed' this follow-up, so that is evidentally another type of power loss scenario that I will make note of. Was that on pin 21 (black/green) or pin 10 that this burn out occured? 21 is a ground wire, and 10 is the incoming 12v as I mentioned just a moment ago.

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QUESTION: i attached an image of the burnt out section in my earlier post but i see that it may be hard to identify which wire it is. when i change the harness over i will try to remember to check that for you.
as for the fuses they read as following under the dash
10a pnl ilum
10a gauges
20a rr wiper
15a rt park
15a ft fg lmp
15a lt park
10a htd mir
10a radio
10a abs system
20 rr blwr
10a bu lmp

I have one question about the junction block under the dash. Your assignment list shows there to be 12 slots with 11 fuses. I had another owner tell me there were 13 slots with 12 fuses (#10 open). If you would check again and let me know I would be very appreciative.
Maybe I should get a '97 manual also.

Thanks for those fuse assigments. I do have the assignments for the plug so don't go to the trouble. I was just wondering if the burn out could have been a short between 10 and 21, the adjacent end-pins.