QuestionQUESTION: parking/neutral switch chrysler pacifica (
how i can replace parking/neutral switch Chrysler Pacifica 2004 3.5 l. and where is located.
thank you.
ANSWER: Hi Fred,
That particular switch is actually part of a four switch assembly called the transmission range sensor which is located inside the transmission, on top of the valve body. While its electrical contacts are accessible at a socket into which a harness plug attaches on the top of the transmission's external surface (at the base of the vertical shift rod), if there is an issue with the range sensor switches you would have to remove the valve body. That involoves dropping the oil pan AND in the Pacifica configuration you have to do some removal of the engine supports and that in turn requires the temporary installation of a transmission support fixture on the body opening of the engine compartment to hold the powertrain in place while the supports are disconnected.
I would want to be sure that it really is an internal problem and not a matter of an out of adjustment gear shift lever or a wiring harness problem before I opted to go after the trs.
Let me know exactly what your problem is and maybe it can be solved without doing all that work.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I started my car,everything was fine, then i felt that something burnt , i moved further, on the panel showed up a sign "battery"red, I got back home.When I turned my car down, it could not start over anymore, I checked the starter, starter was receiving plus, but didn' work.I 'd took off the starter, it didn't work,I replaced the new starter,the car didn't start over again, I gave minus to the motor, the car started,drove 5 miles and appeared "check engine" sign,I checked by OBD-II,showed me "park /neutral switch problem.
That's my question.My car now can start from any position of the transmission
parking/drive reverse.
That's my question,should I replace the switch parking/neutral or no?
Thank you, Roland, very much for your help!
AnswerHi Fred,
Fortunately, I don't believe the problem is the transmission range sensor but rather something to do with the starter motor relay or its wiring.
If the shifting control of the transmission is otherwise normal that would show the trs is working properly.
For the starter to work no matter what gear the trans is in, either the starter relay contact points are fused shut or the wire that is responsible for shutting the points is shorted to ground. One simple thing to do would be to try removing the starter relay which is located in the power box under the hood on the driver side (located along the middle of the box the second such from the front of the box#. Then choose another relay of the same part number in the box which is not needed just for starting, remove that relay and put it in the starter motor relay socket and see whether the starter now works only in P/N. If so, then replace the relay.
If not, and the problem persists, then check the rear pin of the relay socket with an ohmmeter to see if it reads 0 ohms resistance to ground #any shiny body metal nearby) which it should not, except when you try the start position of the ignition switch.
Let me know what you find.