QuestionQUESTION: I followed your advice to reset the air control module in my Chrysler. When I hold the three buttons down that you told me to hold, The display never started to flash and the system was never scanned. can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong
ANSWER: I don't recall your question, so I am not sure what I meant by 'reset'. What have you done so far?
Did you have the engine running? Did you simultaneously press and hold the lower 4th, upper 5th, and upper 6th button (e.g. floor, mix, defrost) until the display started to blink? Was the display working (did it read anything)?
That is how it start the self-diagnosis.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Here's what the problem is. A/C only blows out of the
defrost and rear passenger vents. It does not blow out of
the front vents. What I did was start the car, Left it in
park, Held the three buttons down. Nothing happened, no
blinking. The display does work. (as in it shows a display I
don't know if it's sending the message to the Door motor
though)If there is anything I'm doing wrong or any way you
can help it would be much appreciated! Thank You.
AnswerHi Corey,
If the display allows you to select temp, then I presume that the control is being powered. My thought is that the internal switch contact on one or more of the 3 buttons that you are pressing is not good. You could try spraying the contacts through any spaces in the button housing (after removing the control unit and opening it) using electronic circuit cleaner. Or you can replace the mode door actuator on the bottom of the HVAC housing (assuming that it is bad) without doing the readout, but you may still need to get the unit to do a readout because one or more of the buttons may not be working properly. You can decide which way to go. If you want a page from the manual that shows where the mode actuator is located and what needs to be done to change it out, let me know your email address and I will send it. Use the 'private' followup question mode if you do that.