Chrysler Repair: no start/no gauges/no fuel pump/no bus, dodge ram sport, digital data communication
QuestionI have a 2001 dodge ram sport with the 5.2 i was driving and the thing just cut off i puled over tried to restart but none of the gages moved and i didn't here the full pump so i figured it was the full pump wrong it threw a code it blinked 5 times and read no pu5 can yall help
AnswerHi Roberto,
I don't have any truck manuals earlier than '04 so I don't have a very good chance of giving you any specific advice. From what you tell me I would believe that you have lost the fuse that powers the starter relay and the 'engine' so I would look a blown fuse or fuses. But because I don't have any idea about how your vehicle is wired all I can suggest is that you take a look at all the fuses both in the box in the engine compartment and under the dash. What you described as no start and no gauges, and no fuel pump does sound suspicious to me of such a fuse being blown. The 'no bus' could well also be do to such a fuse because typically the body control module is powered by that same 'engine' fuse so if the bcm loses power there will indeed be 'no bus', i.e. no digital data communication until you get power to the body control module.