QuestionQUESTION: Hello Roland, just an update and one more quick question. The problem with the no start was the sbec. Even though three months old, it was the issue. Replaced that and no problem. EXCEPT - when it started it has a valve tap. It had no valve tap before this problem. Now, when started, it taps, and maybe two of them. Car hasent ran in almost a week. Which it hasnt before either. I havent reved it above idle. I have only let it run for 2-3 mins as Im afraid of damage. It is very loud. It does have 190k on it, but again, never this issue. Afaid to let it run any longer then 2-3 mins as damage might occur. Any suggestions?
ANSWER: Hi Chris,
I can't relate that tap to anything else in the recent history of your problem.
That sounds like insufficient oil pressure to the hydraulic lifters. I don't know which way to go on that. Is the oil fairly new in the engine, and what is its weight? Or is the engine seriously sludged in which case you might want to drain the oil and put in some engine cleaner and then refill with fresh oil. It could be that there is something partially blocking the oil passageway to the cam shaft. I don't generally fear for damage from a tap, just the noise level is distressing. My inclination would be to drive it and see if it quiets down unless you know that the present lubricant is compromised. You could raise the weight of the oil one level to increase the pressure at idle when you change it out, would be another approach.
Interesting that the SBEC died, I should have asked whether you checked for fault codes using the ignition key. That probably would have given us a clue earlier. My error.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for your quick reply. Forgot to tell you that there were no codes. Did check. Would have never guessed it was the computer as it was only three months old. Any way, on the oil, I have changed it every 2-3k(5w-20 i think), cant imagine any sludge, but you never know. Matter of fact the oil was changed 2 wks ago. Will check the oil pressue as you suggested above even though the guage suggests its ok. Its just that it sat for a week, and just happend.
Thanks again,
AnswerUnless you expect to operate below 0 F, the recommended weight is 10W-30. If you indeed used 5W-20 that probably explains why the lifters lost pressure during the one-week 'lay-off'. But the noise should go away once you start using the engine regularly. Given the mileage (190k miles) on the engine I would move to 10W-30 at the next change.