Chrysler Repair: Rear license lights: 300C, export version, voltmeter
Question300C SRT saloon registered May 2010. When I put my side/headlamp lights on I have been told that I have a tail light bulb not working on my rear number plate as there is only a light to one side. I can not find anything in my manuals about this and my local Chrysler garage won't give me any technical help over the phone, its a 60 mile drive to them and it could be for nothing. Could you kindly tell me should there be a light each end (2 bulbs) or just one bulb? Thank you in anticipation of your help.
AnswerHi Terry,
The latest manual I have is 2006 model year, and it clearly shows there to be two separate light fixtures, each with a bulb. They are wired identically with one supply wire coming from a common splice which supplies both the license bulb and the other rear 'running' bulb filaments and one ground wire returning to a common ground splice nearby. There is no detail about the export version's bulb fixture or the bulb #, but I would believe that if you look in the boot you will find the screws that fasten the fixture to the body or otherwise allow you to remove the bulb and test its function. If that proves to show continuity of the filament then use the voltmeter to check that you are getting 12v on the white/violet wire and that the other black/brown wire is grounded. If something is wrong with one of those then check the continuity of the wire from the socket to the splice.