Questionhola roland.
mi pregunta es tengo intrepid 2000 al carro ya se le cambiaron bujias, cables, computadora.
y sin embargo despues de de 2o3 horas de uso, el carro falla el acelerador, no respnde en baja o avansa y se apaga parese que la transmicion fallara.pero al ensenderlo. funciona normal, por un rato y vuelve a fallar.
AnswerHi Israel,
The place to start is to obtain the fault code numbers that are likely in the memory of the computer.
Turn the ignition key:"on-off-on-off-on and leave on" doing that in 5 seconds or less elapsed time. Then watch the odometer reading to notice if the mileage changes to show 4-digit numbers that are preceded by a P. Let me know the numbers.
If that doesn't work then go to an Autozone parts store where they will give you a free readout with a plug-in code reader. Let me know the numbers.
Also, tell me the size of the engine (L).