Chrysler Repair: Jeep electrical problems, digital information system, jeep line
QuestionQUESTION: how do i fix "no skim messages recieved" trouble code, and no "ccd from PCM/TCM"?
ANSWER: I only have the '06 Jeep manual, so I can't be helpful unless that is about the year of your vehicle. Any 'history to this problem.
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QUESTION: no it just started yesterday...battery went dead and now it won't run unless you keep your foot on the accelerator
AnswerBoth the skim (sentry key anti-theft device) and the ccd are part of the digital information system which is a pair of twisted wires connecting together about a dozen modules. One wire is biased with +2.5V and the other with -2.5V. A failure of any of the devices or damage to interconnecting wires could cause these codes, of shorting out of either bias voltage could cause this problem/code. What is the year of the vehicle? I don't really have expertise with the Jeep line unless it is identical to the issue/design of a Chrysler vehicle, and I don't have manuals other than the '06. Do you have the fault code numbers for those two codes?
Have you done any analysis as to why the battery went dead? Maybe you have a short circuit on a module that is part of the ccd system which is dragging down the battery and also producing the codes and poor running. Have you checked the battery current draw with everything shut down/lights off etc.? Maybe by pulling one fuse at at time and observing for the current draw to drop signicantly you will find a fuse that is drawing down the battery and then you can find out what that fuse powers.