Chrysler Repair: 1996 Sebring Convertible: wheel bearing noise, front wheel bearings, wheel bearing noise
QuestionStrange question, we have a 1996 Sebring Convert. with about 210,000 miles. We would drive about 30 miles and there would be this humming sound, my husband changed the rear wheel bearing and the humming sound stopped. Well you can just imagine, that the other day we drove the 30 miles, and we are hearing a humming sound and it sounds like it the rear, but as you know it is hard to tell there the sound is coming from, would you think that it would be front wheel bearings going out? Is there away to tell if the bearing are bad? I know it is had for you to diagnose by me telling you what it sounds like, but any help that you can give us is appreciated, and or if there is anything that I can tell you that would help please let me know.
Answerhi Cathy,
If it is the same sort of sound then it probably is the beaing, maybe the other rear wheel. You generally can tell the front from the rear, and even the left from the right, if you position yourself in the midline of the back seat and that gives you the left/right discrimination, and then lean forward to get a more equidistant from the rear and listen for the front or back to sound louder. The bearing may feel a bit rougher too if you lift the wheel off the ground and turn the wheel but keep your fingers on the tire or the metal surface of the wheel to feel subtle uneveness.