QuestionQUESTION: Hi, i got a 01 300m that keeps overheating on us. I have changed the termostat, the radiator cap. I just took it to a dealer and they told me the radiator was cracked. So i just got finished putting a new radiator in. But it still overheats...I am at a loss. There is no white smoke comeing from the tailpipe, nor any coolent smell comeing into the cab with the heat on blast. The fans kick on when they should. I really dont know what eles it could be.
ANSWER: Hi Patrick,
What are the symptoms of the overheating? Where is any fluid loss appearing to come from? I will think about this but would appreciate the answers to these questions.
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QUESTION: the symptoms are not really anything special. Right now i have it on a ramp and i started it and the temp started to climb a little bit, i turned on a/c full blast, and after about maybe 20 min or so it started to go over the mid temp range. I was reading some of the other posts about overheating. Could i have not serviced the radiator the right way? All i did was install it, and put coolent into the resevor....?
ANSWER: Hi Patrick,
Did you bleed air out of the system via the bleeder?
You put a hose on the bleeder valve in the outlet housing (it is located at the front of the lower intake manifold, to the engine left of center, and below the upper intake manifold. The hose should be long enough so that coolant doesn't get on the accessory belts and also to allow you to collect the coolant for reuse in a clean container (the manual shows a 1/4" hose that goes over the front end of the car to a container).
Then you pinch tight the hose that connects between the two parts of the filler bottle. Then you use a funnel that will allow air to escape from around its base at the fill and slowly pour coolant into the bottle until a steady stream of coolant has flown out the bleeder hose sufficiently to get all the air out of the system. Keep recycling the fluid you collect back into the funnel. The fluid should only be inserted so that it goes thru the smaller chamber of the fill bottle. The large chamber should be nearly empty and is used only for normal expansion. After you are satisfied that you have the air out, close the bleed valve and continue filling to the top of your funnel. Remove the clip from the inter-chamber tube. Allow overflow from funnel to flow into the larger chamber. There is a Miller Tool funnel #8195 which you may want to get. Then put the cap on the filler opening and remove the hose from the bleeder valve.
Let me know if you still have an issue after you have done the air bleed-out procedure.
PS Please 'rate' my answer
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QUESTION: Now i have another question on a diffrent I put water on the engine block to cool it off faster, and now i cant start my car. I had this same problem before...Without the water, and i replaced the alternator, and starter. Once i replaced the starter it worked. When i turn the key, i here a clicking sound comeing from where the starter is.
AnswerYour starter motor could have gotten wet and it may dry after a while and work OR you could have a weak battery or some sort of short that has drained the battery somewhat which may also correct when things dry OR you could have a failing starter motor and this was simply a coincidence. Try jumping with a good battery.