QuestionQUESTION: Roland,
I replaced the distributor with a new one not rebuilt, and still no spark. I went over all the previous checks and then I realized that I would not get a voltage change between pin 3 & 1 with the 6 pin connector disconnected. I did the test again with the connector connected and I do have a voltage change betwen pin 3 & 1, and all other readings are good. Where to from here? What else would cause a no stark situation?? Would the crank sensor cause a no start? If yes need the wire collors to the sensor and test specs if different from the cam sensor.
ANSWER: Yes a no spark can be due to the crank sensor. The crank sensor wires are black/light blue to pin 43 is the sensor ground, gray/black to pin 32 is the signal wire, orange to pin 44 is 8V supply voltage. The same 5 to 0.3V should show between the first two wires. It is located above the surface of the transaxle housinng on the back side of the powertrain, at the seam between the engine and the trans. Also check the distributor rotor for continuity, and that the resistance between the rotor button and the spark coil tower at the distributor cap is around 5,000 ohms.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: The dist cap and rotor are new. Why are there no codes set? I will check the crank sensor from the wiring at the computer, to hard to get at the wiring at the sensor. If it is bad what is the easiest way to get at it for removal
AnswerRemove the speed control servo from the driver side strut tower to get better access to the sensor. By no codes, it may be that you can only get them with a plug-in code reader. If that won't give a readout that would make one wonder about the pcm or the voltage supply wire for the code reader.