Chrysler Repair: 2000 Concorde transmission: grinding sound when coasting, output shaft, hi matthew
QuestionMy Concorde sounds fine when breaking and when accelerating. No issues when turning the car at all. When coasting, though, a grinding sound begins to occur, and matches the speed of the car - and has gotten more grating over the past couple days. The local mechanic took a look (and listen), and said I need a transmission bearing replaced. I am going to check the trans. fluid level, but do I really need a $500 job done to fix this? Thanks. Matt
AnswerHi Matthew,
If it is one of the bearings at an output shaft, then there is no solution other than to replace the bearing. It is fortunate if indeed that is the cause and would repair the problem, because the alternative might be a more internal part that would require removal and rebuild. If the mechanic can tell which bearing is at fault and do the job then I would go ahead.
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