Questioni have a 2004 concorde. i am trying to get the oil pan off. i have all the bolts off even the bolt to the dipstick, but i cant seem to get the oil pan to drop by the cross member. what do i have to do to get it by the cross member?
AnswerHi Otto,
The manual says nothing about the crossmember being an issue.
There is a 'structural collar' at the rear of the pan/front of the trans that has to be removed (both vertical and horizontal bolts). According to the manual if you then remove the oil cooler line from the pan and trans fluid cooler line clips the pan, it should come off.
When you install it back you need to use a 1/8" bead of RTV at the four corners of the block and install the collar bolts in a certain pattern:
put short bead at the parting line of the oil pump housing at the rear seal retainer, similarly at the other three corners (there is a groove (sideways) at these 4 points)
install gasket to the block
install pan and fasteners (smaller bolts 9 foot-pounds, larger bolts 21 foot-pounds)
install structural collar, first installing vertical collar to oil pan bolts (pre-torque to 10 inch-pounds)
intall horizontal collar to transmission bolts and torque to 40 foot-pounds
starting with the center vertical bolts and working outward torque all bolts to 40 foot-pounds
I hope this solves your problem
PS Sorry for the delay but I just found your question in the 'pool' to which the other expert had referred it.