QuestionQUESTION: Yes, I have a 2000 Chrysler and my window lift motor blew out. i want to know how to change it. i tried on my own but i couldn't find a way to take it out can you please help me its been raining a lot thanks
ANSWER: Is it the coupe, convertible, or sedan model? Front or rear door, or quarter window (conv't)?
Let me know the specifics and then I can tell you how. Are you sure it is the motor and not the control switch? Where did you run into the problem of not being able to change it?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Im sorry about that its a coupe. Its on the driver side and im pretty sure its the motor because the passenger window works still and I got stuck trying to take the motor out it is there a certain thing to do
AnswerHi Solo,
Tell me a postal mailing address using a 'private' follow-up question. I will copy and postal mail to you about 8 pages from the '00 manual that gives all the details. If you would then send me back three 44-cent stamps to cover my costs after you get these I would be appreciative. It is too much detail to try and type it in, and there are lots of figures that are very helpful too. My return address will be in the envelope. If you have the trim panel off and can access the motor electical plug, you could just in case jump 12v to the motor and see if it will move or not. Reverse the polarity to reverse the direction of the motor. If you just want to test the switch, remove it (after removing the pull handle box. Then check for continuity (0 resistance reading) between the following points:
Up: pins 3 and 6, also pins 8 and 9
Down: pins 6 and 8, 2 and 9
Off: pins 2 and 6 and 9
It could be the switch and not the motor. The passenger window uses different internal switch contacts so it could work while the driver's won't work due to a faulty switch.