Chrysler Repair: PDC positive post loose, positive cable, flexible connection
QuestionMy Pdc Positive cable post is loose this happened when I tried to take the cable off.
Now my battery light is coming on does this mean I should replace the PDC?
Another issue is the dash gauges, lights will quite working sometimes while driving down the road.
Also the horn works on off even though the fuses are fine.
AnswerI haven't dealt with such a problem, but you will need to either replace the PDC or figure out another way to firmly attach the battery wire to the distribution 'bus' inside the box. So examine it closely to see what alternative fix you might come up with. Maybe there is another way to form a 'post' to attach it to, repair the loose fitting so it is tight again? Epoxy might by used to hold it mechanically in place, but make sure there is still some bare metal to bare metal so that current will conduct.
Without knowing the year/model I can't say about the "dash gauges/lights" (which lights?). The horn may well be an itermittent in the 'clockspring module' which is the flexible connection between the steering wheel and the steering column. Try the horn, and if it doesn't work try rotating the steering wheel back and forth to see if it comes on and then not, which would be a sign of a worn out clockspring.