Chrysler Repair: Engine dies, has spark:: 3.3L 01, dodge caravan, wd 40
Questioni have a 2001 dodge caravan se 3.3L flex fuel and my wife said she was driven down the road and it just died on her i had got some codes from the dash P 1864 and that said it was the battery so i checked it its fine so i checked the fuel line at the motor of the fuel rail pushed the valve gas came out then turned key gas came back in lines but my buddy said that thats not enough pressure so i replaced fuel filter and pump man took long time after that tryed it again nothing, getting frustrated turned key a bunch of times nothing then get more codes from dash P 1388 this says auto shut down relay so i disconnected battery and switched horn relay with the auto shut down relay reconnected battery and the fuse is good i also took off the breather from throtle body and sprayed starting fluid in it then started it and it wants to start so its firein but won't start completely is it the computer given me false readings cause its bad needs replaced or something else
AnswerHi Shane,
If you have spark then the ASD is working properly, at least at this time. It could have been the cause of the engine die off earlier and maybe switching the relay helped. So then you are left with what else could be the problem?
About the only part that can cause a stall/hard start without setting a code is the egr valve. So take a look at that to make sure that it isn't stuck slightly ajar. Try moving the valve stem via the slot, back and forth to be sure that it closes tightly, by internal spring-action. If that valve is stuck slightly ajar it leans out the mixture so much it won't start/idle. It is located in a small pipe that branches off the right manifold running back to the throttle body. If is sticky, spray some WD=40 on the stem where it enters the body and then work it back and forth.
Other than that, you could cancel the codes by disconnecting the battery briefly (but that will cause a reset of the 1684 so ignore that) and then see what comes up when you try to restart it. It is also possible the 1684 had another cause: if you hadn't disconnected the battery in the recent past (50-100 key cycles) that there really is a problem with the battery supply circuit to the PCM (which is what the 1684 code is all about... the PCM losing its 12V supply). That supply come in on pin 46 of the pcm and comes from fuse 17 in the box under the hood. So take a look at that fuse, which also powers the fuel pump, to see if it might have a subtle crack in it that is opening and closing intermittently. There should be 12v on pin 46 at all times.
Good luck!
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