Chrysler Repair: 2.5 V-6 crankshaft pulley bolt removal, crankshaft pulley, pulley bolt
QuestionMy repair book says to place a bar in through one of the slots in the pulley to hold it at you break loose the bolt. I have attempted this with no success. i have broke and bent several bars and screwdrivers. what is the best way to break the bolt loose ? i need to get in there to replace the water pump. lol
AnswerHi Billy,
I had the same question from another 2.5 V-6 owner last week. He had tried an impact gun and also heating the bolt with a torch. I suggested the following:
"You might try some penetrating oil, let it sit, then try rocking the bolt back and forth to break up the rust. Sometimes tightening/loosening in a back and forth action will break up the friction. Also try a longer breaker bar, and I assume you have the pulley wedged tightly. How about wedging the breaker bar against the ground and use the starter motor as an 'impact gun'? Please let me know if any of these are helpful. Best of luck!"
I just wrote back to him to ask if he had gotten his loose and if so to tell me how. When he lets me know I will send you a revised answer.
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