QuestionQUESTION: Hi,I have a 1995 chrysler concorde,It was cranking over but had no spark.Ran the test code with the turn igition on off 3 times,the code came up 125455,so i was told it was the crankshaft position sensor,I changed that,still no spark,changed the ignition coil and spark plugs and wires still no code.Ha dthe camshaft sensor checked for the right voltage,it seemed ok,still no spark.I was told it has a bad computer probably.Does that sound right?When it was running i had no check engine light come on.
ANSWER: Hi David,
The 54 code is for the CAM shaft position sensor being bad. So replace that and you should get spark. You can check that out by removing the battery for a moment, then reattach, crank it over a couple of times, then do another code readout. If still 12,54,55 that means the cam sensor has to be changed. It is located on the front of the engine, timing belt cover area. I wouldn't change the computer without a fault code suggesting that it was bad.
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QUESTION: I should have replaced that while replacing the crankshaft sensor,I took out my computer,will that be a problem when I put it back in?Is there anything I have to do to reboot it?also when we took out the camshaft sensor to look at it,it had oil on it,the mechanice helping me said there shouldnt be oil on it.
ANSWER: The computer should go back in with no problem, no reboot. If you have the 3.3L oil on the sensor is of no matter because that has a timing chain. If you have the 3.5L that has a timing belt and the oil would shorten the belt's life, but otherwise the oil wouldn't affect the function of the sensor. Be sure to press and hold the new sensor against the hidden surface of the camshaft sprocket when installing it, and be sure to leave the paper spacer on the tip.
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QUESTION: Be sure to press and hold the new sensor against the hidden surface of the camshaft sprocket when installing it, and be sure to leave the paper spacer on the tip.
What do u mean by this?I'm sorry,I am new to working on theses newer cars.I just have bad luck when working on cars.
AnswerYou will notice that the fastener tang of the sensor is slotted so that its position is variable. You want the tip of the sensor to be very close to the sprocket circuit (thus the paper spacer which establishes the proper distance) but not actually in contact so the sensor surface proper doesn't hit the sprocket surface. So when you tightnen down the screw you want to have the paper-covered tip of the sensor in contact with the surface, hold it there, and then tighten the screw to keep it in that position. As the engine rotates the paper will be worn away but the distance from the tip is very close to the sprocket surface.