Chrysler Repair: no spark; 2.5L 4 cyl 94, crank pulley, dodge spirit
Questionhey Roland i have a 94 dodge spirit 2.5 liter 4 cylinder engine and i keep getting the 11 code and i replaced the hall effect sensor, the coil, the dist. cap and i checked all connections and they were all connected but i'm still not getting any spark at all. i got another ECM from the junkyard and it still showed the 11 code i don't know if there is a relay to the coil or not i figured that would be the prob. This occurred when i hydroplaned on water but it didn't stop working until the next day so please help me out thanks
AnswerHi Jeremy,
If you are getting the 11 code then you also will not get 12V to the + post of the coil (compared to chassis ground) when you are cranking. So verify that is the case. You should hear the fuel pump run and see 12V on the + post of the coil, both for about a seceond, when you first turn the key to the 'run' position. But when you start cranking it will come back for about a second only when you move the key to the start position and as long as you keep cranking. I would verify that is what is happening as a corroboration of the 11 code.
If so, then I would check to see that you are getting 8V on the orange wire at the distributor when the key is 'on', and then measure between the black/light blue and the gray/black wires at the distributor while you turn the engine over by hand using a ratchet on the crank pulley. You should see voltage pulse between 5V and 0.3V several times per revolution. If you have that then verify that the same pulsing is present at pins 4 and 24 wires where they enter the plug of the pcm. Somewhere in that chain of tests you will find something out of order. Let me know what it is and we'll go from there.