Hub Assembly Detail
QUESTION: I'm trying to replace the front wheel bearing assembly on a '97 LHS. There are three bolts that secure the assembly; two of the bolts are reasonably easy to get to, but the third seems inaccessible. The top bolt is partially blocked by part of the axle. I tried an open-ended wrench, but to no avail. Is there a specialty tool that is needed to access this bolt? If so, what is it called? If not, what the heck?!
I haven't done this myself, and I don't see any mention of the problem you describe in the fsm. Might it be made more accessible if you jacked up the steering knuckle a bit so as to change the angle of the axle at the bolt?
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QUESTION: I jacked up the steering knuckle, but it only made a small difference. My repair manual noted the bottom bolts, but made no mention of the top bolt placement. It seems weird that this isn't a known issue. I can't be the only person who has had this problem.
ANSWER: Hi Adam,
Did you remove the two guide pin bolts that retain the brake caliper to the steering knuckle and lift the caliper out of the way (hang up with a piece of wire from the spring so as to not put strain on the brake hose)? That is the step before removing the three bolts. If not, sorry to not have suggested that.
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QUESTION: Yes. If you refer to the image I submitted, you'll see that the issue is with the gear behind the hub assembly. (Is that part of the knuckle, or the CV?)
AnswerHi Adam
Yes, I forgot that I had seen your photo and that indeed the caliper is out of the way, The 'gear' behind the knuckle (which is what the bearing/hub is bolted to) is the cv. I see another step: remove the rotor, and then remove the nut/washer from the end of the half axle, and that should allow you to pull the knuckle out (or lever it) a bit and give you more clearance from the cv joint and thus get a box end wrench on that last bolt.