Chrysler Repair: 2001 PT Cruiser Timing Belt Destroyed, advanced auto parts, starter solenoid

QUESTION: I have determined my starter is faulty, removed 3 bolts holding starter to engine. Not enough room to remove large postive cable or remove starter. Do I need to remove motor mount?

There are a few tricks: This is from the '98 manual but I believe it applies equally to your 1999:
After disconnecting battery and raising the vehicle,
remove one nut on the catalytic support bracket.
remove two nuts from catalyst support bracket mounting.
remove two bolts and one nut attaching starter to engine
remove battery positive feed wire
remove starter solenoid assembly from trans housing
position starter to gain access to posi-lock wiring connector
position jack stand beneath engine and slightly lift to relieve pressure from left engine mount (use wood block spacer to protect pan)
remove three left engine mount mounting bolts from engine block
jack engine up slightly to give more room to maneuver the starter
slide rear of starter out between catalytic converter and engine mount
disconnect posi-lock starter solenoid connector
remove starter

Install is the reverse.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Robin thanks for your recent help with my starter On 99 LHS . I now have a problem with my 2001 PT Cruiser.  i recently replaced the timing belt with the a kit from Advanced Auto Parts. I got about 5000 miles and it broke down. I must have an oil leak, when i opened it up the belt was reduced to a thin rubber band and a pile of material that looked like oil soaked fiberglass insulation. What might be leaking? Thanks in advance.   Jim

I looked at the 2.0L DOHC engine and it appears to me that to get oil in the timing case area there would have to be a leaky seal either on the crankshaft or one of the two camshafts. You might be able to tell by examing the rear surfaces behind those three areas as to which has evidence of oil running down. I have the '02 fsm if you don't have a good manual that shows the way to change each of those seals and I could xerox and mail you the pages.

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QUESTION: Thanks again for your quick reply.  I haven't got it tore down completely yet to examine theses areas. I'm having trouble removing bolt that holds AC dryer to body, alt. in the way. is it necessary to remove this bolt?  Should this belt have ruined so fast by some leaky oil?  cheap belt?

Hi Jim,
Just looking at the steps for removal of timing belt cover, I don't see that bolt mentioned. About the AC system it has steps: disconnect A/C pressure switch at rear of compressor housing, discharge A/C system, and disconnect A/C lines at coupling block. Nothing about the dryer.
On the belt, look for a leak, if the shredded belt is oily. If you followed the procedure for setting up the tensioner properly you wouldn't thinkt belt would self-destruct.