Chrysler Repair: 2000 Chrysler Caravan RT Park 15A Fuse keeps Blowing, digital ohmmeter, amp fuse
Question2000 Chrysler Caravan RT Park 15A Fuse keeps Blowing. What can be done to fix this problem?
AnswerHi M.A.
Sorry to learn from your evalustion that what I suggested didn't work. Would you like to tell me what you (or your husband) tried and what you learned? This is not so complex of a wiring issue as to be unfixable, I am certain. Also, is there any history as to when this bacame a problem, any coincidental changes going on when it started?
Hi M.A.,
I assume your right side parking lamp 15 amp fuse is what you are speeking of. I suspect that you have a short to ground of the current coming out of that fuse, which then causes it to blow.
There are two wires, both dark green/yellow that go from that fuse, one to the front right parking lamp bulb and one to the right rear lamp assembly where it powers the two separate tail light bulbs. I suspect that one of those three bulbs has a short between its two contact wires (one carries the current from the fuse the other connects to a black grounding wire), or the socket itself has a short. It is possible that the dark green/yellow wire has impaired insulation anywhere along the pathway, but I would start by removing the bulbs. If you have a continuity testor or an ohmmeter you could see if either clip in the fuse socket, with the fuse removed, is shorted to ground. If not, then put the bulbs in one at a time and similarly check for a short to ground. Once you determine which is shorted to ground examine the bulb and its contacts and either adjust the contacts or replace the shorting bulb. The difference between a normal bulb and a shorted bulb will probably be the difference between 0 ohms and maybe 5 ohms so you would need a digital ohmmeter to tell the difference. It may be that just by removing the three bulbs you will find one that looks unusual and that would be the basis for replacing/adjusting it appropriately to eliminate the short.
Best of luck.
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