QuestionQUESTION: I have a 97 sebring convertible with the 6 cylinder, i love the car but hate the tranny. It has been going into limp home mode on and off. Some days a few minutes after driving, others after hours of driving. After the last time i took it to auto zone and had the codes ran. Here they are...PO755 PO700. I tried turning the key on and off a few times to see if the code would appear on the odometer. Any ideas?
ANSWER: Hi Caleb,
That 0755 means that there is a problem with the solenoid pressure switch that operates the 2nd and 4th gear of the trans. It is tested continuously and when it fails to respond properly the code is set and the trans is put in limp mode. It is probably one of three things: the solenoid is bad, the wiring between it and the trans controller is faulty, or the controller itself is faulty. If you verify the wiring, then probably the next step would be to remove the solenoid pack and check out that solenoid or replace the entire pack. The wire in question is white/pink and connects the pin 8 of the solenoid pack plug to pin 19 of the trans controller. The 0700 is just a generic statement that there is a specific code also store in the memory.
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---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for your quick response. Where is the solenoid located and how hard will it be to switch out? I have basic automotive skills.
AnswerHi Caleb,
The solenoid assembly is on the front side of the transmission (facing the front of the vehicle).
It is to the left of the vertical shift rod, just below the input speed sensor, hidden in a box that is called the 'sound cover'. You remove the plug on the speed sensor and remove it (torque in to about the same as a spark plug when you replace it (20 foot-pounds)). Then you remove the sound cover. Then you remove three screws that hold the assembly to the trans (vertically positioned at either end and one behind it in the middle) and remove the 8-way wire connector that I mentioned earlier if you want to test the wire continuity in question. That should free it up for removal and inspection/replacement. It seems that most people replace the assembly rather than trying to repair it. Torque the 3 screws to 9 foot-pounds.
PS Thanks for the rating and nomination. You are entitled to do it again if you choose!