Chrysler Repair: spark timing: 98 3,0L, crankshaft position sensor, crank sensor
QuestionI need the toming guide for a 1998 chrdler minivan. 3.0 liter
AnswerHi Doris,
The 3.0L engine in '98 has a crankshaft position sensor which automatically times the spark. The distributor however does have to be installed so that the rotor is pointing at the no. 1 spark plug post when the the engine is at TDC of the compression stroke for that cylinder (you can determine that by removing the top forward timing belt cover and rotating the engine until the timing mark on that cam sproket is lined to the mard on the back timing belt cover. Then install the distributor so that the rotor points directly toward the rear of the engine, and also so the #1 spark plug wire is pointing sideways toward the cabin. This apparent discrency between the position of the rotor and the position of the spark wire are caused by a modified internal rearrangements in the distributor cap.
But as to spark timing, it is authomatically set by the crank sensor and you can't change it.
Please let me know if you don't understand my answer. The only way to tell if you are at TDC of the compression stroke is to remove the timing belt cover.
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