Chrysler Repair: Timing belt cover and engine supports: 95-00 Cirrus, power steering pump, head gaskets

Hello Ronald,

I'm working on my engine again, this time I have to change the Head Gaskets which is a freaking nightmare because of evertyhing that is so crammed in. But anyway's I have two questions.
This is a Stratus 2000 2.5 v6.

1) Which engine support brackets can I remove so that I can easily move forward while raising it about 1n inch or two? The rear exhaust manifold upper bolts are so hidden that I cant seem to reach them without having to move it forward.I think this would be the only way of exposing them, am I right?

2) How do I remove the top left timing belt cover? I unbolted it, however near the steering pump there is some sort of support bracket that goes around from the back of the engine to the front of the cover which makes it impossible from taking the cover off. Since I cant see how it's bolted I cant take it off. Maybe moving the engine forward like I mentioned before would help?

Thanks Ronald,

Hi Pete,
I have reviewed my '99 Cirrus manual and find that it is so inter-related between the various disassembly tasks that I can't simply answer your questions. Do you have any shop manual to work with? I assume that the 2000 Cirrus has the same body so that the '99 manual applies, is this correct? I could go through the manual and find all the pages from the engine/exhaust system/steering system that apply and copy those for you and postal mail them. Let me know if you want me to pursue this approach. It costs me about 6 cents per side if I go to the lowest priced copy center.
On the timing belt covers, the steps are shown to be:
disconnect negative cable from the remote terminal jumper
remove drive belt splash shield
remove drive belts
support engine and remove right engine mount
remove crankshaft damper
Note: to remove the enngine mount bracket you must first remove the lower timing belt cover
remove power steering pump bracket (refer to that section for instruction)
remove the timing belt covers in the order upper left, lower, upper right.
I don't know if this is helpful.
The Haynes manual (#25015) may be sufficient to do cylinder head  gasket job if you can find one at a library or parts store.
On the exhaust manifolds, the steps are:
raise vehicle and disconnect exhaust pipe from rear manifold at flex joint (it may be necessary to remove the entire exhaust system). refer to section 11
remove bolts attaching cross under pipe to manifolds and remove
remove heat shield from rear exhaust manifold
remove power steering pump bracket (see power steering section)
remove nuts attaching rear manifold to cylinder head and remove manifold
lower vehicle and remove screws attaching front heat shield to front manifold.
I hope this might be helpful.