Chrysler Repair: Cruise control and airbag light, clock springs, stering wheel
QuestionI have a 96 cry concorde i replaced the rack and pinion but not the airbag light is on and the cruisecontrol wont work or light up. when i installed the rack i didnt take the stering wheel out or mess with anything of the interior i checked an dre checked that maybe i unplugged something acccedently but no. i checked the relay, the servo both are fine. Im stupmed why they dont work checked the fuses ect all good. cruise control light comes on when you first start the car but thats it.
AnswerHi Dean,
I checked the wiring diagrams for those two systems in my '98 manual which I believe is accurate for your '96. They appear to share no common parts save the clock springs (of which there are two separate coils). So I would check the plugs for those to continue the process and if those look alright then I would check continuity across the coils, but you would want to disconnect the air bag module before doing that.
PS Sorry for the delay but your question only recently appeared in the 'pool' to which it had been referred.