Chrysler Repair: 98 Cirrus trans in limp mode, digital data communication, solenoid pack

QUESTION: I have a 1998 cirrus and transmition won’t shift out of limp mode, ran a snap on scan tool and got codes 15, 19 and 21. 15 is ETAX relay and I can’t find one anywhere on the car. 19 is tcm not receiving info it needs from pcm, don’t know what that would be. 21 is od pressure circuit. I have replaced both input speed, and output speed sensors, replaced the solenoid pack, and dropped the trany pan and changed the filter, no debris, smell or discoloration of the fluid, all to no avail. Trany does not slip. (or did not when it worked) When limp mode first occurred it was random and the speedo still worked but slowly happened more often. Now it starts in limp mode wont reset and speedo does not work at all. I believe it is either wiring somewhere in all the mess under the hood or the tcm is bad, Any advice will help!!!!!!

I would check out the following:
Fuse 3 in the power box under the hood (20 amp)
Fuse 11 in the fuse box behind the dash (10 amp)
The trans relay is the frontmost one in the box under the hood (directly behind the unused socket). Try switching it out with  either wiper relay, which are ones immediately after the fuel pump relay which is next to the trans relay, provided they have the same part number.
If none of those work, then either the circuit for the relay is in someway compromised or there is something wrong with the trans controller, but I can tell you the circuits to test before concluding you need a new controller.
The 19 says there is a problem with the digital data communication between the transmission controller and engine controller. I can tell you the wiring for those after you verify that the trans relay is functional again. That would explain the lack of a speed signal.
Let us check out the OD pressure switch circuit after dealing with the first two items.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for responding to my question.
I switched out the TCM relay (I thought ETAX relay was a different relay but they are the same) the relay is good. Fuses 3 and 11 are both good (I have checked all fuses many times).
I want to test pins 15, 16 and 17 on the harness into the TCM but I don’t know which ones they are. The pins into the solenoid block are labeled but not into the TCM.
So I guess I need to test the circuits.  

Hi Abe,
Pin 15 of the tcm is attached to the front pin of three in a row at the relay, 16 and 17 are attached to the voltage output pin in the very middle of the relay. At the tcm plug, the wires used are in 2 rows: in the 1-20, unused pins are 2 and 18 and in the 41-60 row unused pins are 45,48 49, and 55, so that will be the way to know which way to count. You might want to verify that you are getting 12v on the inboard pin of the socket (from fuse 3 and there always, and also the same at 56 of the tcm plug) and that pin 11 at the pcm shows 12v from fuse 11 when you turn the key to the run position. Then see if the relay closes and puts 12v on pin 16 and 17 when ignition is put in the run position.