QuestionQUESTION: Hello, Roland, i've a Lebaron coupe (phantom in mexico) with analogic cluster, now i'm trying to install a electronic cluster, but i don't now the connections and pins relation exactly especific cddbus and some other functions, i hope you can help with some tricks or tips, to make this a success work.
thanls a lot
my lebaron is
phantom R/T (lebaron coupe) 1994 with analogic cluster
my electronic cluster and my BCM is from a lebaron coupe 1992
ANSWER: Hi Fernando,
I assume that the phantom R/T is the J-body coupe that was sold in the US from '87 to '93, correct? If not then I would be a little short of info about what wires you have going to your present cluster.
Basically, I would not recommend putting the '92 body computer in the '94 car unless you know of a good reason. Did someone say you had to use the '92 body computer?
The wire assignments to the body computer may have changed between 92 and 94 (that needs to be verified) and it is the case that the wiring to the body computer was apparently different depending upon which type of cluster you had in '92 car, so it may be that is also true for your '94, you would have to go through the wiring diagrams to check that point out.
And I hope that you got the two cluster plugs that go with the electronic cluster as that will make it easier for you to exchange those plugs for the plugs that are in the '94 car, and because the plugs for the electronic cluster are different than those for the analog cluster. The wire color assignments would be the same in the two vehicles but not all the wires that are used in the '94 will be needed (10 of the present 21 will be needed only); but you will need to add 4 wires that you don't have now in the '94 by going to other locations and soldering them in place and running them to the new cluster's plugs.
It is not a simple exchange but if you are intent on trying it I can copy all the pages from the '92 and '94 manuals, and that will tell you about the 4 wires you need to add, and which wires you will need to splice into the electronic plugs, and which wires you can ignore from the present plugs in the '94.
Let me know what you think about this now that I have told you a bit about it. I have heard that others have done it. You might join the Autos Group called TheChryslerLebaronClub and then ask for feedback from other owners who tried to do this, before you go ahead with it.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for the answer Roland, i understand all your advices,
and yes Phantom in mexico was a AJ-body (lebaron coupe) with 2.5 turbo II engine,
I would really appreciate if you can give me a copy of the manuals or wiring diagrams, really really it is great for me and my car =) (what is the method?, electronic? faxed ?)
today i was send membership request to TheCrysler Lebaron club,
thanks a lot
AnswerHi Fernando,
I got your address, thank you.
I have looked further into the question of the body computer wiring situation also. I would suggest that you take a look at the body computer wiring in your car before you start on this project. I noticed that in the '92 set-up that the 'natural' color 25-pin body computer plug uses 23 wires, while in the '94 that same plug has only 7 wires, probably because it was set up for the mechanical cluster, not the electronic cluster. So if that is the case, I would seriously wonder if the amount of wiring you will need to do to use the '92 body computer associated with the '92 electronic cluster is going to be more than you can realistically hope to accomplish...locating where to attach those 16 wires that are not present on your 'natural' plug. I believe that this may turn out to be non-functional. So asking for advice at theChryslerLebaronClub before starting seems to be wise.
I counted the pages from the '92 and '94 manuals that you will need to do the job and I come up with 16. The postage to send them to Mexico is $1.34. The copies will cost $1.60. I will be pleased to send these to you free, but if you had access to any US dollars and could send me back $3 after you receive the pages that would be appreciated. If that is not possible, then don't worry, I will send the pages anyway.
But first, please check your body computer natural plug wiring, and also see what others can tell you about the degree of difficulty in doing this changeover. The main difference is that the electronic cluster uses a great deal of digital data, receiving it on a pair of wires from the body computer which you currently don't have going to your mechanical dash (those are 2 of the 4 wires I told you about earlier). But that data can only get to the body computer if it has all those 16 other wires coming to it that it may not now have. So you would have to put in those 16 wires and attach them to the plug to bring that data to the body computer.
Please let me know what you decide. It may be possible, or you could end up with a non-functional cluster and then have to reverse the process and go back to the mechanical cluster.
That is a lot of work for the privilege of having a snazzy cluster.
Hi Fernando,
Thanks for the rating and for your very kind comments. I wonder if you had a chance to look at the natural color plug on your car's body computer? I will be interested to know how many wires are on it. I think you may not need all 23 but definitely several for wires more than 7 will be necessary to get all the signals you need to run the electronic cluster. The reason that there are fewer wires at the electronic cluster than at the mechanical cluster is that the signals from some of the gauges are sent to the body computer to be digitized and sent on the data bus to the cluster rather than going directly as with the mechanical cluster. Each such wire will have to be routed from the mechanical cluster plug you have now, over to the natural color plug at the body computer if the electronic cluster is going to work fully.
PS I saw you had joined and posted at the Lebaron Club. Now feel free to post a message asking for experience other may have had in doing the mechanical to digital conversion. Also mention that it is a '94 car and you propose to install a '92 electronic cluster and body computer.