Chrysler Repair: 89 2.5L 4 cyl.engine: no start, gasoline, gaytona
Question"when I try to start the engine of the car, it spins but does not ignite. I have found that gasoline and also gets spark coming, but the engine turns and turns not to the point that the battery is discharged can be?" DODGE GAYTONA 1989 2.5 turbo
AnswerHi Carlos,
Did you try to use your ignition key to get a fault code readout? That is the best way to make progress on a 'no start'. Let me know. Without a code it could be anything.
'If you want to see if the controller has detected a problem use your ignition key:"On-off-on-off-on and leave on" doing that in 5 seconds or less elapsed time. Then watch the 'power loss' light which remains 'on' to begin to flash, pause, flash, etc. Count the number of flashes before each pause, then repeat the process to be sure or an accurate set of flash counts. Then write back and tell me the flash counts in the order that they appeared as those will tell us what the fault codes are and therefore what to look for.'