Chrysler Repair: Chrysler 300 electric seat for/aft motion, metal shavings, postal mail

I have a 2007 chr 300 and when the driver seat was adjusted just the left side would move.  I looked under the seat and nothing is obstructing it but I did notice metal shavings right under where the motor is on the right side. Is this going to be a costly fix or can I do it myself with just parts?

Hi John
The seat has two underlying structures, the lower is for fore/aft motion, the upper for the balance of the motions. The lower structure is sold only as a unit so it would be a matter of finding out what it costs, or looking for a wreck to remove it from. The instructions for removing the seat and replacing the structure are shown in the manual. I have access to only the '05 manual but it probably applies to your vehicle. I should be able to print the pages off the CD and send them by postal mail. Let me know should you want to do this job yourself. It shows there to be a single motor that drives both sides of the seat.