Chrysler Repair: 02 dodge intrepid: stalls, 4 digit numbers, exact history
QuestionWhat cause a car to shut off while driving and when u bleed the fuel line its full of air?
AnswerWill the engine start now? If so, measure the fuel pressure with a gauge, it should be around 50 psi. Without knowing the exact history of how long between it dieing and when fuel line was bled I can't conjecture about the air in the line. The pressure should normally be maintained for about an hour if you simply turn off the engine.
Have you tried for fault code readout, using the ignition key:"on-off-on-off-on and leave on" doing that in 5 seconds or less elapsed time. Then watch the odometer window in the cluster to see the mileage change to show 4-digit numbers preceded by a P. Let me know the numbers and we'll go from there. Also tell me which size engine is in the car.