Chrysler Repair: 3.0 L: codes 22 and 41, ohm coil, coolant temp
QuestionI have a 93 Chrysler Le baron 3.0 V-6, My alternator connectors seem to have a short in the wires going to the alternator. I keep having a code 41. Yesterday while I was pushing on the connector the gauge inside the car went back to the normal charging posistion, and the idle changed. When I took my hand away however, the gauge and the idle went back to the way it was (Higher idle and lower or no charging). I am also getting a Code 22, I replaced the coolant temp sensor and am still getting the same code. The car will start and get warm, then the idle will get erratic and eventually stall. I will have to wait for about 30 minutes before I am able to start the engine again. I am wondering if the 909 OHm coil in the pcm might be going bad. What are your thoughts. thank you for your help
AnswerHi Bob,
On the code 22, did you erase it after changing the sensor, by disconnecting the battery for a minute? If not, do that and see if it resurfaces. That will cause a code 12 but ignore.
On the 41, I have not heard of a 909 ohm coil in the PCM, in fact I haven't seen an internal circuit diagram for a PCM of any detail. But the code says there is a problem in the field coil circuit which is basically the dark green wire to pin 20 of the pcm which passes thru a 10-wire disconnect behind the battery. So that would be the wire to check for either an intermittent 'open' or an intermittent short to ground. The 'open' would cause a loss of output from the alternator, a short to ground would cause it to produce a too high voltage output.
The signal for the coolant temp sensor is the tan/black wire and it similarly should be checked to pin 2 of the pcm. It should have a reference voltage of 5 on the other wire that connects to pin 4 of the pcm.
Check all that out before opting to replace the PCM would be my suggestion.