Question1995 lebaron 3.0/fault code 27/only happens after warmup/#3 plug wire pulled made no difference in eng/#3 plug comes out dry/plug and wire check out/ how do I test the #3 injector without removing it.
AnswerHi Cole,
You would want to do some tests with a volt-ohm meter as follows:
The #3 injector driver wire is yellow/white on pin 5 of the 8-way injector harness connector.
Between pin 3 and pin 5 the resistance should be 10-15 ohms,let me know if not otherwise continue
Measure between pin and a good ground, it should be above 5 ohms
At the pcm measure pin 14 of plug to ground, with plug removed, it should be above 5 ohms
Measure between pin 3 of harness connector and pin 14 of pcm plug, it should be less than 5 ohms.
Let me know which if any of the above measurements are not as expected to be.
After we go through all the electrical possibilities and if all are resolved, then you replace the injector.
Recause the plug is dry it could be the circuit or the injector, so lets sort it out.
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