Chrysler Repair: Sebring convert blend air door, cable sheath, mechanical cables
Questionhow do i replace the blend door on my 97 sebring convertible ?jbgce
AnswerHi Phil,
The blend door replacement would require removing the entire unit and taking that area apart. Are you sure that it isn't the blend door cable or the lever arm that connects the cable to the door that is at fault? You can observe its action by removing the underpanel pad on the right side, then look for a couple of mechanical cables that come to the unit from the control panel. The one to the left (more central on the unit) is the blend door cable. It might be loose in it attachment, or the arm may be broken, the cable sheath may be loose at the control knob end. You could try removing the lever arm and moving the sprocket to which it is attached (that directly is part of the door) to see if the door might be freed up. I would try all those approaches before the major task of pulling out the entire unit. Let me know if you want to check the sheath by removing the control unit as I can describe that process.
PS: Sorry for the delay as I just received your question in the 'question pool' to which it had been referred by Kevin who I had invited to share some of his backlog.
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