Chrysler Repair: 1993 new yorker fifth ave: Blower circuit, fuse sizes, intake plenum
Questionmy heater motor locked up and blew a fuse somewhere we checked and replaced the 30 amp in fuse box we switched the 50 amp under the hood with the 50 amp headlight relay the headlights worked but not the heater blower we replaced the motor and the person that put it in said the relay where it connects is OK does it have and inline fuse and if so where is it /wiring diagram would be helpful Thanks Carl
AnswerHi Carl,
Just to verify this is the C-body car, not the new LH body for '93, correct? The fuse sizes you mentioned agree with that assumption on my part.
There is no in-line fuse. The power comes out of the black/orange wire at the ignition switch directly to fuse 10 and from there on a dark green wire to the blower motor, through the motor resistor block which is mounted so that a series of fuses is cooled by the air intake plenum incoming flow, and then the current is switched to ground through the speed switch that selects one of the resistor block branches presented in the block. Interestingly, even on the 'high' blower speed there is a resistor in that resistor block which if it burns through will kill all the blower speed voltages #that is not the usual set up as in other models/years when a resistor block fails it would suffer loss of all blower speeds EXCEPT high when the block burned out#. So my belief would be that the common resistor that first passes the current into the resistor array is blown #just like an in-line fuse#. You can find the block by removing the glove box #take out all the screws around the opening# and if you then follow the blower motor power twisted wires it will take you right to the block #or it should be obvious when you look into the glove box opening#. It is held into the cabin side of the air intake plenum by 2 screws. So replace that resistor block and you should get all the fan speeds back again.
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