Chrysler Repair: 2.5L V-6: gauge goes to H quickly, fan comes on, coolant temp, engine coolant

my temp gauge go to h as soon as tthe car started and the fan was rapidly blowing as ifitwas attempting to cool the motor I was told it was a sensor is that possible and where is that sensor located

Hi Mimip,
I am not sure it is the engine coolant temp sensor that is at fault. If it were, the fan might not come rather than come on at the same time when the gauge is showing H. But in any case it is located in the thermostat housing pipe where is sits next to the cooling sytem filling downpipe. If you have an ohmmeter it should read 10,000 to 14,000 ohms across its 2 terminal after you remove the plug (lift tab on side gently to release the plug) and then as the coolant heats up it should drop to 700 to 1000 ohms which causes the fans to come on. So the issue in my mind is why is heating up so fast?
Have you checked the level of coolant in the overflow bottle? Have you had to add coolant to the system because of unknown losses? Did you notice anything else unusual in the recent past, like excess white smoke from the tailpipe when first starting the engine or bubbling sounds coming from the engine?
Let me know and perhaps I can help you figure out what is going on. But I doubt it is the coolant temp sensor.
PS:Please 'rate' my answer and while doing that consider giving me a nomination to be 'expert of the month' which I hope to be in December.