Chrysler Repair: engine/trans swap, mount roland, transmission interfaces
QuestionI have a '94 Chryler T&C with 3.8L. Can a I swap it out with a 3.5 L from a 97 LHS? If not, will the transmission on the LHS work on the 3.8L?
AnswerHi Chris,
I don't believe the proposed swaps are compatible, because the 3.8 was never used on the LH line, nor was the transmission of the LH line ever used in the T&C. The most obvious incompatibilty is that the engine axis of the LH is longintudinal while the axis of the van is transverse so the transmissions definitely can't be swapped. In fact, there are two separate transmission models (41te and 41e) for this very reason. I also suspect that the engine/transmission interfaces may not match, and I suspect that the engines don't have the same mount locations, and then there are the details of all the fuel and exhaust connection, etc.,etc. I would advise only swapping parts from the identical car-lines and not cross-fertilizing. They are really different 'species'...transverse mount/longitudinal mount.
Hi Chris,
I wasn't clear in my answer. The LH is a frontwheel drive, but the engine is longitudinal so that the transaxle's output shafts are at right angle to the crankshaft. On transverse mounted engines the transmission output shafts are parallel to the crankshaft axis. Thus the two different transmission types.
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