Chrysler Repair: 03 Sebring cruise control flaky, flexible coupling, fuse block

Hello Roland...Thanks for the great help on the heater motor resistor ion my 2003 Sebring.HAd to use a Dremmil to enlarge slot for improved resistor.Works great.... MY last issue De jour is my cruise control. It will turn on OK, but each time I try to SET a speed, it turns cruise control off. This will repeat several times and then work. Also it will turn off, if I use coast button.... Thanks in advance for your kind help Roland...  

Hi JW,
The two switches (5 buttons) send a resistance reading down a single wire to the PCM, pin 34. Each of the 5 switches has a unique resistive value. If you put an ohmmeter between pin 34 and ground you should see 5 different resistances as you press the buttons. Because there seems to be a response to each action that you take it suggests that the flexible coupling between the steering wheel and the steering column is patent. So my thought is that there is some contact resistance in one or more of the 5 switch contacts that is causing a false resistance reading to be "seen" by the PCM. Check the readings and see what you observe for the different switches. I would be inclined to use some electronic circuit cleaner in a spray can to lubricate/clean the contacts inside the the two switches. The '03 manual that I have happens to not show the set ups for removing/accessing the switches. I suspect that there either are screws that when removed will allow the body of the switch to to be removed for access to spray inside any opening in the switch body OR the airbag may have to be removed (after disconnecting the battery) to access the switches for spraying.
If that approach is not the answer then we are possibly looking for contact resistance in the signal wire which has a disconnect along the path to the pcm or a loose ground connection of the other wire from the switches. Either could throw off the resistance 'signal'. The ground point is under the dash near the junction (fuse) block (in-board of that module) and consists of an eyelet which has 2 separate multiwire incomming ground wire attachment points and is held in place by a screw which attaches it to the instrument panel structure proper.
Let me know what you find if what I have suggested doesn't remedy the problem.
Glad to learn that the blower motor resistor is replaced successfully.