Chrysler Repair: 1997 t&c anti-theft, three thousand miles, indicator panel

QUESTION: Is there any to disable the anti-theft on this vehicle. If not, can a different pcm and bcm without the anti-theft be installed to eliminate an ongoing and frustrating problem?

ANSWER: whats the prob

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My anti-theft keeps arming. The vehicle will start and run for about three seconds then die. In the mil indicator panel the alarm set light is on whenever you turn on the ignition. Sometimes the vehicle runs fine, but most often not. I had the transmission rebuilt in Feb. '09 and have constsnt trouble ever since. I've put three thousand miles on it since Feb.  because of this problem. I,ve searched allexperts archives and tried a lot of things you guys have suggested but nothing works. I,ve taken my van to a local dealer with no results, spoken to other dealers no help. I,ve went to salvage yards looking for answers.   Any ideas appreciated.          Thank You.

to answer original question yes u can order a new pcm and new bcm to get rid of alarm  looking around 1000 or more to do this in parts.  There is a screen that tells what turned on the alarm last using the dealer scanner. What does the cluster look like when it wont start? Will the lights like up when u turn the key  or the tach move when it wont start?