QuestionQUESTION: been having a problem with the car it starts and runs perfect until the car is warmed up after warm it sounds like its running out of gas.after it dies it will start up and run but still like its out of gas.already had replaced fuel pump/filter,timing belt and timing belt tensoner,also crankshaft has spark and fuel at the a loss at on this one..
ANSWER: Hi Justin,
It appears that you have a mixture issue due to an out of calibration temp sensor or an egr valve that is sticking slightly ajar. Get a fault code readout for free at an Autozone parts store or try the ignition key to see them when you do "on-off-on-off-on and leave on", doing that in 5 seconds or less elapsed time. Then watch the odometer window to see if the mileage is replaced by any 4-digit numbers preceded by a P. Let me know the numbers in any case and we can go from there. On the egr, try spraying some WD-40 on the stem where it enters the body of the valve, then move the stem back and forth with the tip of a screwdriver inserted in the slot of the stem to verify that it will close to a dead stop via the internal spring-action.
Don't throw any more parts at the problem without getting fault codes and lubricating the egr.
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QUESTION: the car isnt giving any fault codes.didnt go to autozone for codes i had borrowed a snap on solus scanner from a family members auto repair shop. origanlly the only code was for crankshaft sensor that i replaced..and no codes ever since..and i left out that sebring is a convertable didnt no if that would make to much of a differance. and my mechanic friends were at a loss also..and i just took off and vacum tested egr and lubercated it works fine..tryin to avoid dealership
ANSWER: Hi Justin,
Because this appears to be engine temperature sensitive I would recommend checking the resistance across the two terminals of the air intake sensor and the coolant temp sensor when cold and then when the engine is fully warmed up. When cold they should read in the range of 10-14k ohms, and when the engine is warmed up the resistance should be found to have dropped into the 700-1k ohm range. Let me know if anything appears abnormal about those readings.
Other than looking at the various operating parameters of the other sensors with a diagnostic readout box to look for an abnormality I can't think of anything. It might be that the MAP sensor is off-value but not so much as to set a code. You might probe the dark green/red wire with a pin and see what voltage it reads at idle and at 2500 rpm when warmed up. Let me know.
Have you tried it out since cleaning and lubing the egr?
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QUESTION: so i figured out the problem..i ended up buying a defaulty crankshaft sensor..but when i got the new one it still wouldnt run so i was was messing with the crankshaft sensor positioning and low and behold it runs fine now no problems!! thank god lol..thanks for your help
AnswerHi Justin,
Earlier this month I answered your question about your car and hope that is is repaired now. I have a favor to ask:
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Hi Justin,
That was good luck to suspect that the new sensor was faulty. And with no fault codes to go by even luckier. That sort of situation is difficult to deal with in person, and of course impossible for me at a distance to suspect. You are welcome, and I hope that the car continues to meet your needs.